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Jewish Community Center 1414 Walnut Street Berkeley CA 94709    

Clubs & Games


This graphic marks classes that seniors may enjoy.
Le Club

Join Le Club, the BRJCC?s ON-GOING 55+ Arts & Entertainment Group.
FREE tickets:
Bay Area Opera?s, theatre, dance performances, & many special events.
$25 per person annually plus BRJCC membership required.
? For more information, call x110


Mah Jongg

Enjoy playing Mah Jongg with friends.
Mondays, 1-4pm
BRJCC site fee: $10/semester (Jan 1- Apr. 30).

Bridge Club

Enjoy socializing & practicing your skills with a group of your peers. Intermediate & Advanced
Tuesdays, 7-10pm- $15 for 6 months



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