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Jewish Community Center 1414 Walnut Street Berkeley CA 94709    

Teen Program

Middle and High School Students

A new exciting Teen and Pre-Teen program has started in Berkeley and Oakland for middle and high school students. Be a part of great events, parties, social action projects, sports, trips, performances, and much more!

Stay tuned!

More information will follow about this new program.
Please contact Karen Cagan Berkeley or Josh Kramer in Oakland.

Karen Cagan: or call x130 Josh Kramer: or call

Supported by a Grant

The JCC Teen Programs are supported through a grant from the Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund.

Workshops in the Teen Program at BRJCC

Drama Classes at the BRJCC
Auditions in February

The GROWING RITE project at the Berkeley Richmond Jewish Community Center is looking for 15 theatre-loving, creative and devoted teenagers between
the ages of 13 and 16 to join us on a theatrical adventure which will include:

ˇ Three months of exciting, fun-filled drama classes in which you will acquire the basics of good acting ? meeting once a week, either Tues. or Wed. evenings
ˇ The classes will focus on the theme of teenage to adulthood Rites of Passages around the world; we will explore cultures, their people and rituals
ˇ Visits to coming-of-age ceremonies
ˇ Trips to see professional theatre
ˇ Creating and performing an original show based on our experiences
ˇ Sweat-shirts with logos that you will create!
ˇ Participants will receive a small stipend, at the end of the three month project
ˇ Snacks and beverages will be served at each meeting time
ˇ A great way to meet, and hang out with, friends who share your interest and talents

* This will be a journey you won?t forget! *

Auditions will be held at the BRJCC 1414 Walnut Street, Berkeley on:
* Wednesday February 1st
* Monday February 6th
* Tuesday February 7th
between 7 and 9 pm. Please be prepared to talk about one subject which you are passionate about for approximately 3 minutes. Also bring in a piece of music that you love and be ready to move and dance to it.

For questions or to sign up , call 848-0237 x130 or email:

The sooner the better!




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