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Jewish Community Center 1414 Walnut Street Berkeley CA 94709    

Group Activities

Engage Your Community

lead in paragraph about group activities BRJCC offer on-going groups to learn about important topics, support each other, have fun playing a variety of games, or join the chorus for Jewish Folk Music.

 Discussion & Support Groups

Workshops with discuss topics such as intergenerational relationships, genealogy, current events and essays, becoming articulate viewers of media or just have an intelligent conversation in our salon. Our take part in our women's support group. discussion & support groups

 Clubs & Games

Join the monthly book club or Le Club, the 55+ arts and entertainment group or bring your game plan to our center for Mah Jongg, Bridge, Scrabble and other games. clubs & games

 Jewish Folk Chorus

The Jewish Folk Chorus sings and performs songs in Hebrew, Yiddish and English with a mixture of traditional, modern and original pieces. Jewish Folk Chorus

links to senior activities



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